With our clever additional offers, you can stay relaxed even in case of unexpected events! No matter if you start from Frankfurt, Düsseldorf, Hamburg or one of the numerous other airports with our offers: Simply choose one of the following options when booking a parking space or a hotel.

Extension option: You have up to 48 h protection against overstay fees at the parking lot if the return flight is delayed.

14-day safety net: With the 14-day safety net, you can return from your vacation up to 14 days later than planned – easy park & fly will cover the overdraft fees for the booked parking space.

SMS booking confirmation

Airhelp : AirHelp will legally deal with airlines on your behalf and claim compensation in cases such as delays, flight cancellations, etc.

Breakfast/lunch package/dinner: Can be booked directly with many of our hotels (please look for the info “extras available” in the hotel vacancy announcement).

Easy park & fly wishes you a relaxing trip!